
Text messaging

We are now sending invites for our chronic disease recall by text message if we have a mobile phone number available for a patient. If you are our patient, have a birth month of January, February or March and are normally called into the surgery for an annual check you should have recieved a text message or a letter in the last 3 months

Published on 17th Mar 2025

Trialling text messaging

We are now sending invites for our chronic disease recall by text message if we have a mobile phone number available for a patient. If you are our patient, have a birth month of January, February or March and are normally called into the surgery for an annual check you should have recieved a text message or a letter.

Published on 9th Jan 2025

Appointment System from Monday, 15th July, 2024

We have reviewed our appointment system and the following changes will take effect from Monday, 15th July, 2024:

Minor illness triage: Please call the practice between 8.00AM and 12.00PM if you have a minor illness.  Calls received after 12PM will be asked to call back at 8.00AM the follow day or to call 111 after 6PM if it cannot wait until then.

Minor illness includes things like coughs and colds, sore throats and urine infections.  These can often be managed by your community pharmacy and advice is also available from NHS Inform website.

Minor illness calls will be dealt with by one of our Advanced Nurse Practitioners.  

This will allow us to maximise the number of GP appointments available to book each day.

Medical emergencies will be dealt with throughout the day.  If you feel your condition is life threatening you should dial 999.

GP appointments:  you should call from 8AM for an on the day appointment.  We will advertise on our Facebook page each day when we have reached capacity for our GP appointments that day.  

We now have a limited number of GP bookable in advance appointments which will be offered in our extended hours surgeries on a Tuesday morning and Thursday evening.

All other appointment types:  you should call after 10AM to book an appointment in advance for a Practice Nurse, Phlebotomist, Midwife, First Contact Physio etc.

Results:  you should call between 2PM and 5PM.


Published on 17th Sep 2024