Non-NHS Services
The practice makes no charge for NHS services but does charge for the non-NHS services it provides. Occasionally these services are for patients either not registered with us and who are seeking services not provided under the NHS but this is rare and most often we charge for services provided to our patients and those not entitled to NHS services at all.
The practice limits its private income to 10% of its overall income.
The practice also receives statutory fees for services outwith the NHS such as preparing reports for the DVLA, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Ministry of Defence and the Fife Council.
The charges for Non-NHS are reviewed annually and published on notices in the Centre, issued in the New Patient Pack and here on the website; click here for Non NHS Fees.pdf
The practice policy is to base charges on those that reflect the actual cost of the service and which represents a reasonable level of fee for patients. Some figures are published in the medical press are either agreed by official bodies such as ABI (Insurance Companies) and COSLA (local authorities) or are suggested by the BMA. Since an Office of Fair Trading ruling the BMA can no longer make suggestions for work that can be done by any doctor, rather than the patient’s own practice; these fees are therefore set by the practice.